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November 21, 2023 1 min read

The best thing you can do against mosquitoes is to prevent them from breeding and laying eggs in the home environment. Simple preventive actions can save us a lot of hassle and bites later on.

Here are 7 tips for preventing mosquito infestation:

  1. Dry out damp areas and compost piles.
  2. Empty standing water from watering facilities and sprayers.
  3. Clean up and remove garbage bins and debris from outside the house.
  4. Avoid accumulating water containers such as buckets and plant saucers.
  5. Use mosquito-eating fish in decorative ponds.
  6. Regular maintenance of window screens.
  7. Spray plants with water and soap to prevent breeding.

Implementing these simple tips can significantly reduce the number of mosquitoes around the home and allow for a more pleasant and peaceful summer. Share with us any tips that work for you!